@chriscoyier The bear is so you.
@chriscoyier Ha… that’s a good theory. Download and install the wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/ and you can see which query it is specifically.
@chriscoyier I do this in WordPress before registering the script.
@chriscoyier PEOPLE amirite?
@chriscoyier witness. Can I getta witness!?!?!?
@chriscoyier Time machine?
@chriscoyier That would be cool until it doesn’t sort the values right. Hopefully there is a way to provide your own sorting function.
@chriscoyier Did you ever figure this out? I think this will point you to the right direction gist.github.com/kingkool68/66097…
@chriscoyier Perhaps a good honeypot to find all the WordPress debs on GitHub with a sense of humor. Check star gazers of the repo.
@chriscoyier That would be one impressive CSS Trick…
@chriscoyier Sure what’s up?
@chriscoyier Do the whole He-Man I have the power thing in front of Castle Gray Skull. You’re clearly at Castle Gray Skull, right?
@mikevoermans @chriscoyier The PHP script uses CSS Crush to concat and minify CSS @import statements the-echoplex.net/csscrush/ Not using SASS
@mikevoermans @chriscoyier Here it is gist.github.com/kingkool68/55559…
@chriscoyier On production we still run SVN so I sync changes between Git and SVN and use Bamboo to deploy to multiple servers.
@chriscoyier on dev, git hooks to automatically deploy to the servers followed by a PHP script to minify CSS
@chriscoyier You shouldn’t. My boss uses that and I use Adium and we can see each other.
@chriscoyier Don’t use GChat in Adium, install the Hangouts for Chrome extension instead chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…