@chriscoyier Open it in Firefox?
@chriscoyier awesome talk at #convergese today. Maybe one day I’ll work on a project that uses SASS to get to use it.
@chriscoyier You can run the exact same code as placehold.it using dummyimage.com
@bdkjones So are artists that still use paint falling behind the times? cc/@aljaydavids @chriscoyier
@aljaydavids @chriscoyier @bdkjones It’s another layer of syntax to learn.
@chriscoyier Adds another layer of complexity.
@desandro @chriscoyier @codepen I think you’re thinking of Inconsolata as the open source font levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsol…
@chriscoyier And the conclusion is “it depends”
@e_to_the_m @davatron5000 @zomigi @chriscoyier Man how’d you guys get Michael Moore to show up to a web development conference?
A tweet from 3 years ago but still relevant today from @chriscoyier twitter.com/chriscoyier/status/7…
@chriscoyier Were you one of those people that just slept on a bare mattress wrapped in a blanket?
@chriscoyier Aww that sucks. Buying a house is like making rounded corners in IE6. PAINFUL.
@chriscoyier Are you web ahead or web behind? cc/@jensimmons
@chriscoyier Prototype, prototype, prototype!
@chriscoyier There’s this plugin which lets you add other mime types to the whitelist wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pjw…
@bernhardpompey @chriscoyier Does that work on any browser? Not FF16 or Chrome whatever-they’re-upto-now
@chriscoyier $.trim()?
@chriscoyier Frontend debs like being sticky.
@chriscoyier Did you just recently update to Mountain Lion?
@chriscoyier @anna_debenham has collected a treasure trove of style guides gimmebar.com/collection/4ecd439c…