@chriscoyier You should see `post` and `page` listed next to `post_type`

@chriscoyier You should see `post` and `page` listed next to `post_type`
@chriscoyier If that doesn’t work time to bring out the debugging tools. Install and activate the Query Monitor plugin (wordpress.org/plugins/query-moni…)
You should see some numbers in the admin bar now. Click them and go to the “Request” section
@chriscoyier You can try changing
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, array( $this, ‘tags_support_query’ ) );
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, array( $this, ‘tags_support_query’ ), 999 );
so the tags_support_query function gets called a lil bit later if something else is messing with the query
@chriscoyier gist.github.com/kingkool68/a0e99…
In theory what you have should probably work but here is what I came up with and a detailed explanation of what it does. I tested this on a local set up and it works as expected.
If that doesn’t work for your site maybe there is another action involved
@chriscoyier Love the Google Home Mini in the kids bathroom so we can play kids songs during bath time.
And the next thing I got into was these Meross smart wifi plugs. Now I can turn lights off by voice. Works pretty well.
@davatron5000 @chriscoyier @jmm More like Snap, Oregon. Amirite?
@chriscoyier @jamstackconf @jmm I see a lot of accessibility testing in your near future…
@chriscoyier Funny enough this is also what the etag response header was for
@chriscoyier I worried about that too at first but its really not a big deal. It’s just reading metadata for a file not accessing the entire contents (which would be much slower)
@chriscoyier I use a rewrite rule to have the human readable date in the filename but you could easily append it as a query string too. View source to see an example: zadieheimlich.com/
@chriscoyier Append a query string using the modified timestamp of the file (filemtime() in PHP). I made a WordPress plugin for it github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@MrAhmadAwais @chriscoyier @cloudinary @smashingconf @reactjs @nodejs @zeithq I’m guessing there is some sort of in person part of this site. Otherwise I don’t get it.
@chriscoyier A static site is just a thoroughly cached dynamic site.
@kylietimpani @hellogeri @chriscoyier It was the first time looking at the source of a React project on GitHub where it was easy to read and follow along.
@chriscoyier Weird I just did it for a client the other day on GoDaddy. Client wants path forwarding (domain.com/path –> example.com/path) which isn’t officially supported but was in the past. It still works with some domains but not others.
Thanks for listening
@chriscoyier This looks like a fun exercise.
@chriscoyier Bezel-less phones are a terrible thing for a desperate parent trying to distract their toddler. They just can’t hold it.
@chriscoyier Try running `yarn add sharp` from github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issue…
@chriscoyier There is a schema for ad blocks schema.org/WPAdBlock
Seems a little too abstract.
@getify @chriscoyier Couldn’t you just use replaceState?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.