@chriscoyier I do dig the popular this month card stack. It’s kind of fun to play with.
@chriscoyier I do dig the popular this month card stack. It’s kind of fun to play with.
@chriscoyier Well I like it from a usability perspective (easy to grab) but from an aesthetics perspective its just too big. I don’t think we need custom scrollbars anymore. I lived in the days of IE6
@StachedAway @chriscoyier I don’t think so because you’re just reading a property off of an object, not querying the DOM. The browser is going to update those values in the background regardless.
@chriscoyier Here’s an example: codepen.io/kingkool68/pen/oaqxre
@chriscoyier You could do a setInterval() that checks window.pageYOffset and when that is not 0 cancel the setInterval
@chriscoyier Like 2 hours ago. SSH for testing a only-happens-in-production bug.
@chriscoyier Editing like changing your comment after you post? Or a WYSIWYG editor?
@chriscoyier The scroll wheel broke and they even replaced it for free.
@chriscoyier The Anker vertical mouse is $20 and has been fantastic for me over the last few years amzn.to/2LtLEne
@chriscoyier Remove a few images.
@codinghorror @chriscoyier @MaxCDN Love KeyCDN but switched to @BunnyCDN because they have a better price
@chriscoyier I bet your hospital told them.
@chriscoyier Understanding popular culture references.
@chriscoyier I have a feeling my 3-year old will never use email in her life.
@chriscoyier Totally unrelated sidenote: It is hard to read that white text on dark blue. The blue kind of bleeds on to the text after you read a little bit. I dunno if that makes sense or not. Just thought you would like to know.
@chriscoyier from kingkool68.com/scaling-wordpress…
@chriscoyier Do you know of any that can be scripted via the command line? Think automated visual regression testing
@chriscoyier We watched a lot of teen pregnancy shenanigans on TLC after our first daughter was born. Really puts things in perspective.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.