@combustingboy Set body font-size to 62.5% then 1.5em = 15px, 1em = 10px etc.
@combustingboy You’re overflow:auto method should work, IE needs a height or width set. height:100% usally does the trick
@combustingboy overflow:hidden works just as well too. Then no scrollbars.
@combustingboy Happy 25th!
Good article from @combustingboy about anti-alias default settings for Windows users: is.gd/uLNZ
@combustingboy I just noted the new Google favicon myself. Pretty ugly.
@combustingboy Search for “Aeron” within 50 miles of your zip on eBay. Look for chairs that get no bids. Offer to buy it for less money.
@combustingboy I’d tell you but she follows my twitter stream.
@combustingboy How much is cheap?
@combustingboy CSS frameworks are bloated and semantically meaningless. Wouldn’t it be easier to make your own personal framework for CSS?