TimThumb PHP script for dynamically resizing images on the fly via the server @convergese code.google.com/p/timthumb/
TimThumb PHP script for dynamically resizing images on the fly via the server @convergese code.google.com/p/timthumb/
copypastecharacter.com/ is great for font-based icons @convergese
Have a pizza party and play interesting usability videos to get teams interested. @convergese
Mobile usability testing is still hard. Device mirroring to a computer and screen capture make it easier. @convergese
Drove 100,000 miles to get to @ConvergeSE… pi.pe/-cnsbtl
@noaheverett you gonna be at @convergese this weekend?
@convergese hollllllllller!
Already signed up! RT @convergese Registration is now open: is.gd/uIRQdk Limited number of $250 tickets available.
@convergese It’s all good. I hope you raise prices so you can keep putting on the great conference.
@MikeNGarrett @cohenspire The organizers of @convergese mentioned raising rates. They sold out during early bird pricing.
I had an awesome time at #ConvergeSE this year. Huge congrats to the @convergese team for putting on an amazing show!
I think @chriscoyier would be awesome at charades (or interpretive dance) on anything describing CSS3. @convergese
So far the 2 sessions I’ve been to at @convergese have been better than anything at SXSW
So I think @convergese should get a block in a hotel that doesn’t charge for wi-fi next year. #wifishouldbefree
North Carolina. Only the rest of the day of driving to go. @convergese bound. Which else is making the trek down?
Need to get packing before leaving for @convergese tomorrow.
Anyone else in the DC area going to @convergese in South Carolina and need a ride? @cohenspire and I are leaving 9am on Thursday.
@convergese @inkdotmedia ill be there. Can’t wait to drive in from DC
@toekneestuck Nice I can’t wait for @convergese cc/ @cohenspire
Me 2! Now to pick my schedule RT @cohenspire Just purchased my ticket for @convergese!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.