@kingkool68 @daljo628 @wp_acf Should be in the free version when 5.8 officially launches. 5.8 is due any day now.
@kingkool68 @daljo628 @wp_acf Should be in the free version when 5.8 officially launches. 5.8 is due any day now.
“Is the ACF block editor only going to be available to paid versions? Is it coming to the free version?” – @daljo628
(the room is not sure)
@wp_acf do you know?
@daljo628 “I like my hair like I like my bunny ears… FLOPPY”
@daljo628 @Kraft @inboxbygmail But the best part is the way Inbox grouped related emails
@daljo628 That kid is way more bananas
@daljo628 *Reads the actual ticket*
Oh I see now. Neat.
@daljo628 What’s the difference between site_meta and an option?
@daljo628 Wow that’s crazy
@daljo628 Can one of you companies finally give us all the real life Jetpacks we really want?
@daljo628 HAHA “push the nerdle” Sorry for the offtopicness but thats an amazing typo.
@daljo628 Lady in the back is not amused.
@daljo628 @stephendquirk @jetpack How about a @jetpack branded jetpack!
@daljo628 Standard WordPress rewrites… DERP… nevermind.
@daljo628 Trying to run my own photon server for testing some stuff… What rewrite rules do I need to make it work? code.trac.wordpress.org/browser/…
@daljo628 *Looks at your avatar*
Are you the devil?
*farts in your general direction*
@daljo628 I was into 8-balls myself back in the day.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.