@dburka From a practical perspective, yes $40+ is way too high for a shirt. But if it goes towards supporting an artist or creator you admire and want to see them it’s totally worth it.
@dburka From a practical perspective, yes $40+ is way too high for a shirt. But if it goes towards supporting an artist or creator you admire and want to see them it’s totally worth it.
@dburka @elycecole *squints*
Is that the new Firefox logo?
@dburka personalsit.es/ from @hankchizljaw is a great collection of personal sites
@dburka I always liked the design of Pownce
@BhojakMilap @dburka WordPress’ function reference developer.wordpress.org/referenc…
Their reference is even powered by WordPress thanks to github.com/WordPress/phpdoc-pars… making it easy to style and customize
@dburka @adholden Still a great photo. I think we’re all the ice cream cone guy at some point.
@adholden @dburka Here’s the story behind the photo knowyourmeme.com/memes/ice-cream…
@dburka omg yes
@dburka @jdroth did something similar and could provide some pointers.
@dburka You mean you don’t normally keep a golden swordfish out on your table?
@dburka My dock cl.ly/3G0g1R3Y2A2m2c3B3d1x I keep activity monitor open down there to keep tabs on RAM.
@dburka “unearth”, “seek”, “uncover”, “ferret out”… ok maybe not that last one.
@dburka When I’m I ever like “Lemme Oink that” ?
@dburka Pico? is.gd/OMilht
@dburka doesn’t use filters with instagram. His life naturally just looks like that
The new Digg search looks fantastic digg.com/d1oLpo Nice job @dburka
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.