@desandro Don’t say ‘no’ over email. Say ‘no’ over easy.. handmadefont.com/wp-content/uplo…

@desandro I shall see you at that thing…

@desandro SCIENCE! It taught us to dissect shit. Which I use everyday as a professional office worker.

@desandro 1) javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess… 2) Run it through a CDN?

@desandro @chriscoyier @codepen I think you’re thinking of Inconsolata as the open source font levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsol…

@desandro How would we flip the bird to other motorists? #hoofhands

@desandro To quote the YouTube video “U KNOW WUT IT IS!”

.@desandro is personally responsible for 10% of the unemployment rate because he’s so good. #twitterdc

@smarty @thisguy @kallie @desandro That’s eating fowl with class 2.bp.blogspot.com/_WUwf_2dhedc/S…

@desandro Top left. Still looks like Metafuzzy.

@desandro Masonry is now officially bundled with WordPress 3.5. Congrats! codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.5

@desandro I’m sure you’ve seen this npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/201…

@pvm We’ve settled on Highcharts here at work. cc/@desandro @jtnt

@desandro I dare you to record a video trying to pronounce his last name.

@desandro You should fix that.

Check out my new type tester! test.jamestedmondson.com/ Code by the legendary @desandro

@danielmall Well if it’s chocolate you want check out Serendipity 3 yelp.com/biz/serendipity-3-washi… @desandro

@desandro LAWL. I jest. But glad to know help is only a tweet away.