@elgreg The Russell Heimlich Bitcoin Education Foundation is in desperate need for Bitcoins to further its research.
@freshyill @elgreg don’t give two toots about BezosPost.
@elgreg That’s a sweet audio measuring thingy mabob.
So many JavaScript nerds! (@ Learning Objects w/ @elgreg) [pic]: 4sq.com/18tsdRx
@elgreg @nekolaweb said he was going.
@elgreg Shit where’d you go.
@elgreg I see you.
@greglinch Congrats on your complimentary business-issued Kindle Fire. @elgreg congrats on not having to use a Kindle Fire everyday.
@elgreg Stopped taking a multi-vitamin a while ago. Still take Vitamin D supplements after listening to grc.com/health/vitamin-d.htm
@elgreg Hey who was your buddy who was looking to hire a fronted dev?
@elgreg Maybe said letter wasn’t talking to you…
@elgreg Love the animated avatars!
@elgreg Congrats on your future WNBA prodigy.
@elgreg Totally pre wrote my thank you notes in a text editor first as well. Jeez how did people deal with the pressure of messing up.
@elgreg Site launches are a bitch.
@elgreg You win the Internet today my friend.
@elgreg Slept in until noon and I’m still tired.
@greglinch @elgreg Do you know Jon Cohen or Kim Hines? They want to know how we did features.pewforum.org/same-sex-m… It’s just HighCharts.
@elgreg Monopoly places: Baltic Avenue, Marvin Gardens, Park Place, Boardwalk, Community Chest.