@freshyill Oh yea by the mall. I hear a Costco is going up there. And someone said a Wegman’s is coming.
@freshyill Thanks! It’s so quiet here. We hear crickets and not cars.
@freshyill I’m right down the street from you in Tivoli.
@freshyill What’s up?
@freshyill There’s nothing wrong with that. Try to be a little more positive.
@freshyill LAWL.
@freshyill Oh, I was looking at this one. Seems better. ihave50dollars.com/
@freshyill I just use this CSS to bash spam bots body { display:none; }
@freshyill Bravo!
@freshyill @afeedapart just blew up with spam. You’re missing out.
@freshyill I except snarky tweets about #aea all day from you even if you are afar.
@freshyill Is that what Scranton is all about?
@freshyill IE7 standards mode is the compatibility view for people running IE8.
@freshyill 1) For you to test. 2) Compatibility mode for the weirdo sites.
@freshyill I didn’t say it. I typed it out.
@freshyill haha I like weird moments like that.
@freshyill Ouch.
@freshyill Does than exclusive club come with black leather biker jackets with rhinestone lettering? If so, I’d like to sign up.
@freshyill I’m proud to know “one of the main dudes of the Internet”
@freshyill If I was ever forced to stick a watermelon up my butt I would choose that one.