@freshyill Have used Varnish but what would you use W3TotalCache for? I guess for flushing the varnish servers?
@freshyill But I guess you could use Redis as a full page cache…
@freshyill Redis seems better suited to go between the database and WordPress as outlined here pantheon.io/docs/articles/sites/…
@freshyill For caching. Although Varnish seems like a better solution to go in front and do page caches.
@freshyill so what’s it sitting next to?
@freshyill the minimum a theme needs is a style.CSS and an index.php The rest comes from codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hie…
@freshyill I wouldn’t be able to tell ya as I usually start from scratch. I used to use my own starter theme svn.kingkool68.com/projects/rh-s…
@freshyill Don’t screw them up too badly.
@freshyill You don’t have a Slack account for your entire organization?
@freshyill But you still shared that page.
@freshyill You just did though.
@freshyill Oh AIM! How I miss thee.
@freshyill We use one every week to take baby progress photos. It’s not that bad.
@freshyill You mean I could have used your trampoline 13 weeks ago?!?! MAN!
@freshyill Sometimes we’ll experiment with some ideas and put CSS in the head of the styleguide page like so styleguide.prcdev.org/asides.php
@freshyill Each of these CSS chunks can be used independently for stuff. No Pre-processor required… pewresearch.org/wp-content/lib/c…
@freshyill Our stylesheets look like this pewresearch.org/wp-content/theme… which get minified and concatenated on deployment pewresearch.org/wp-content/theme…
@freshyill Not automatically generated but we can organize some markup and then use the necessary CSS chunks from the live site.
@freshyill Here’s ours… just PHP/HTML/CSS styleguide.prcdev.org
@freshyill I use some PHP scripts.