@freshyill OMG I’M COMING OVER!
@freshyill I call Little finger butter finger.
@freshyill who me? russellheimlich.com/
@freshyill oh look at that. The power is back on and everything is useful again.
@freshyill @rochellefp Go HTML native and just use <marquee>
@freshyill @rochellefp OH SNAP! BURN! ZING! KABLAMMO!
@freshyill I like bxSlider.
@freshyill The hard part is displaying it in the caption when inserted into post. You need to hijack the wp_caption short code.
@freshyill It’s easy enough extending custom meta data for stuff like that .
@freshyill I started thinking about a way to handle this better but never finished it. Kind of a kludge.
@freshyill Nope, the same caption field pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/1…
@freshyill We use the built in caption to add photo credits pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/1…
@freshyill @elgreg don’t give two toots about BezosPost.
@freshyill I’ve been using slidesjs.com
@freshyill We use this wordpress.org/plugins/google-ana…
@freshyill Isn’t it pretty expensive to consolidate all your cards? And then you can lose all your cards at once! Efficiency!
@freshyill Yea but isn’t everything though?
@freshyill And your gas credit card that gives better rewards than all the others on gas.
@freshyill And don’t forget that other credit card that gives great rewards for checking into a hotel.