@fugularity Then click the “smooth” option
@fugularity Do you eat chunky or smooth non-Jif fancy pants peanut butter?
@fugularity Sounds pretty open ended simple question myself
@fugularity What if she’s reading that big baseball book you always read?
@fugularity This is a good thread twitter.com/anothercohen/status/…
@WhenMoonEnergy @fugularity Is it just a can full of nothing because my drink is on the blockchain?
@fugularity That look when you drop your phone on the pavement and then race down to survey the damage…
@fugularity What are the letters?
@fugularity Non-funky Toejam? If it isn’t funky then what’s the point?
@fugularity Have you even seen the Little Mermaid?
@fugularity ooo do it! Buy a stock!
@fugularity Watch people play a game of driving a bus youtube.com/watch?v=IhQGQcX2M1I
@fugularity Duh. Everyone knows it’s called grabbity…
@fugularity “It’s faster than preheating our oven” is the wife’s excuse. We still don’t have one.