@taupecat @erikteichmann @getpantheon To stick to the theme of your Twitter handle, it’s the cat’s pajamas

@tessak22 @getpantheon @CircleCI @circleCI is awesome

@McDwayne Hey I remember seeing you at various WordPress meetups. I have some technical questions about @getpantheon Who would be the best person to answer my questions?

@mstoli @ryancduff @danielbachhuber @getpantheon @photomatt @danielbachhuber You ship all your booth people in tiny cubes?!?!

@getpantheon Not a fan of your brand new minimalist dashboard…

If you don’t want to deal with server complexities yourself go with a managed WordPress host like @wpengine and @getpantheon

WP Redis Object Cache plugin from @getpantheon wordpress.org/plugins/wp-redis/