@greglinch I already built that.
@greglinch where is the 1am thing?
@greglinch I registered for ONA so i’ll be there this year. Will you?
@greglinch Whoa now. Lets not get too crazy…
@greglinch I’ll try to channel my inner karaoke spirit and spread it among the masses at #srccon in your honor…
@greglinch You should write them a karaoke poem algorithm in R. #impact
@greglinch Why are you verified?
@nekolaweb @greglinch Hmm…. I thought about demoing a bunch of stuff we built but that sounds dull.
@greglinch @nekolaweb “Graphing Native Karaoke in the Digital Era using D3 and R”
@greglinch What should I talk about at ONA? cc/ @nekolaweb
@greglinch Go home Greg. Your drunk.
@greglinch Sustainable journalism… SOLVED! forbes.com/sites/jjcolao/2014/02…
@greglinch Uh… their creators.
@greglinch @albertocairo “In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player”
@willvanwazer @greglinch um….
Idea from @kingkool68 and @greglinch: decaying/dead JS library meetup. As your library dies, we honor you (and maybe let you talk about it.)
@greglinch You should see the UI for my writing environment… my head.
@greglinch Johnny Cage is just ridiculous mortalkombat.wikia.com/wiki/John…