@grum_dot_com @accuweather This looks like the next best thing wunderground.com/maps/surface-an…
@grum_dot_com @accuweather This looks like the next best thing wunderground.com/maps/surface-an…
@grum_dot_com Happy birthday grum.com
@grum_dot_com @zeldman Ditto.
@grum_dot_com And this gives you an idea of what php file WordPress is looking for and how they fallback codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hie…
@grum_dot_com These are helpfull codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tag… as are codex.wordpress.org/Function_Ref…
@grum_dot_com I learned by making a copy of the default theme, change something, see what happened.
@grum_dot_com She’s into it. Especially now that she has more books.
@grum_dot_com Paleo books for V-Day instagram.com/p/VvIHgGxzWU/
@grum_dot_com Well those bears could be related to those Charmin bears that keep wiping their asses in public.
@grum_dot_com Pretty.
@grum_dot_com Nice. Stay strong.
@grum_dot_com Oh I bet. It’s a lot of work to prep all the meals out. You have strong willpower.
@grum_dot_com Right. Omitting the evil carbs. It’s pretty easy to just say no now.
@grum_dot_com When I started on 1/28 I was 199.6. Today I weighed in at 194.2.
@grum_dot_com Feeling pretty good. It’s not as hard as it seemed to completely omit carbs from my diet.
@grum_dot_com Had this for dinner last night twitter.com/naudebynature/status…
@grum_dot_com cooked meals for the week last night and got 8 hours of sleep.
@grum_dot_com That’s the plan! Bought a whole bunch of veggies and meat. We’re excited.
@grum_dot_com The wife and I are starting Paleo this week. I wasn’t hungry until I just read your tweet.
@grum_dot_com That was a once in a blue moon opportunity.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.