@hankchizljaw Dripping blood nav items
@hankchizljaw Dripping blood nav items
@sundyclan @hankchizljaw At @CoderPad we have marketing jobs available coderpad.io/careers/
@Amy_Hupe @hankchizljaw Kill as many acronyms as possible. Acronyms nearly always make things easier for the writer, NOT for the reader.
@hankchizljaw ABUSE
@hankchizljaw Also no one trusts the rapid tests. It’s always PCR or nothing.
@hankchizljaw There’s a kids book that is just the lyrics amzn.to/3d4tuJb
The sweet child o’ mine did not like it
@hankchizljaw All presidents elected since George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) have been two term presidents. Just doesn’t seem like Americans are into mixing things up anymore.
@wesbos @hankchizljaw @syntaxfm Fixed an app where the login authentication system was designed by a frontend dev. To get access one could view source in login.js, copy two lines, paste in browser dev terminal, and then you would be in 😬
That was a fun one to demo to the client.
@StuRobson @Orangetronic @hankchizljaw I always thought <datalists> were like a better <select> but there is only one value associated with the options not a server value and a human label like a <select>. Found out <datalist> is more akin to an auto complete component for a text input not a <select>
@hankchizljaw Styled accessible tooltips. There is already an attribute for it.
@hankchizljaw @zachleat @scottjehl Wait you don’t text your tweets to 40404?
@stephenhay @hankchizljaw @amyhoy Need inspiration?
Wonderful article by @amyhoy on the demise of homepage handcraft. It makes me wonder what factors influenced my own blog’s hibernation, and if there’s anything holding me back from ditching WP and making my own space fun again.
/cc @hankchizljaw
@hankchizljaw wet n wireless
@hankchizljaw Yea but I get mid day naps so it all balances out at the end.
@hankchizljaw Yes, they give me a paycheck
@kefimochi @hankchizljaw And woodworking. I’ve known several devs who have burned out, moved to the forest, and now they spit out collectible wooden pens.
@hankchizljaw I’m still leery of mixing different classes of components together. Inevitably it leads to conflicts between styles. I generally stick to defensive CSS and optimize structuring for deletion so there is less fear of needing to keep styles around b/c you don’t know what might break
@hankchizljaw Nice. I love seeing the thinking others employ when programming CSS (see what I did there).
I’ve been slowly adopting your flow utility classes for containers of components. Works like a charm.
@hankchizljaw I found myself using github.com/jaredly/qmoji because it’s a little quicker and I could remember the shortcut easier
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.