@jamiebicknell I dunno have a peek yourself is.gd/gsciB I host it on a Dreamhost account and CloudFlare is free.
@jamiebicknell I’m kind of shocked shared hosting can handle my little script it was the first custom PHP i’ve ever done
@jamiebicknell Put your thinking cap on. I bet you could come up with a clever domain name for a placeholder image service.
@jamiebicknell like smartyimage.com 🙂
@jamiebicknell Ha ha! I follow Twitter keywords for ‘dummyimage’ and ‘placehold.it’ They run the same code.
@jamiebicknell Also I run dummyimage.com through CloudFlare so it should be pretty stable. is.gd/gsaO7
@jamiebicknell I can’t take credit for the front end of placehold.it but I wrote the code that generates the images for dummyimage.com