@Jason_Reed Ha I just did an SVN commit and thought in my head… “DON’T Fuck THIS UP”… seems to do the trick.
@Jason_Reed I have a good example but its really nsfw.
@Jason_Reed no prob, its not for everyone. Just wanted to check first.
@Jason_Reed You would also care if your analyics indicated IE6 made up 50% of your audience
@Jason_Reed Don’t you like challenges?
@Jason_Reed Thanks. My Mom was just IMing me about the pacman sounds.
@Jason_Reed I plan on going to AEA in DC this September.
@Jason_Reed I saw it for the first time the other night. It’s a slow show with peaks of interest.
@Jason_Reed The uploader is a swf but it’s hooked in to your site using jquery tr.im/NFom
@Jason_Reed I like Picasa tr.im/Ky4E
@Jason_Reed The Google pagefold tool doesn’t even work if your page is centered, only left aligned. How many left aligned sites are there?
@Jason_Reed If it has no highs and has no lows then it must be Bose.
@Jason_Reed I love refactoring code. Do it all day long!
@Jason_Reed Chunk! bit.ly/PLNLf
@Jason_Reed Feel free to give it away to someone else, I probably won’t use TypeKit. Custom font support just opens up a new set of choices.
@Jason_Reed What does the other Jason Reed do for work?
@Jason_Reed Thought the same thing about using Papyrus in the Avatar trailer. Stuck out like a sore thumb.
@jason_reed The highlight of my weekend was setting up an SVN server. I know how you feel.
@Jason_Reed Congrats on the new edition to your family. I must say my predication of a boy was wrong. 50/50.. oh well.
@Jason_Reed I bet it is a boy.