@jensimmons In CSS I take “initial” to mean the value that was previously set. Thought I’m not sure how you could easily figure that out. I can’t think of a time when I used the “initial” value.
@jensimmons In CSS I take “initial” to mean the value that was previously set. Thought I’m not sure how you could easily figure that out. I can’t think of a time when I used the “initial” value.
The <meta> element can take a media=”” attribute now, so that you can specify different theme colors for light and dark mode!
Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen, including @dcrousso @gsnedders @jensimmons @annevk & @domenic! twitter.com/htmlstandard/status/…
@jensimmons ImageOptim on the Mac imageoptim.com/mac
Then EWWW Image Optimizer plugin for WordPress handles converting to WebP once they are uploaded wordpress.org/plugins/ewww-image…
@jensimmons @hj_chen Some way to let the browser I know I don’t mind cookies so we can get rid of these awful cookie acceptance banners. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/10…
@jensimmons I use this handy responsive images linter bookmarklet and it handles all the complicated math for the sizes attribute for me –> ausi.github.io/respimagelint/
@jensimmons I hear @nclud is such a fan they named their company after it
@dangerbell @jensimmons Felt right at the time.
@jensimmons dummyimage.com was built entirely 100% by a group of white men. A group of 1. Me.
@jensimmons Why not WordPress? 😁
@jensimmons What if you reduce the PNG-8 settings to use I dunno, 4 colors instead of 128?
@rachelandrew @jensimmons Or you could just use overflow: auto…
@jensimmons So you mean the CSSWG has a lot of working to do… as a group.
@heydonworks @jensimmons Comments like this paint progressive enhancement as anti-JavaScript instead of pro-resilience.
@heydonworks @jensimmons That’s a little disingenuous. If there is a server-rendered fallback you’re good.
@jensimmons Between rural and suburb.
@aneventapart @jensimmons Pittsburgh!
@jensimmons A small picnic doesn’t hurt either 🙂
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.