@JessSchillinger Not cheating at all. An example in the wild. I think using <div>s is probably the safest answer.
@JessSchillinger Not cheating at all. An example in the wild. I think using <div>s is probably the safest answer.
@JessSchillinger Thank you for your support during these truly chaotic times.
@JessSchillinger True dat. Plugins do make it much easier to digest.
@JessSchillinger You should have time once kid #2 gets here…
@JessSchillinger Devsignerx = developer + designer + ux
@JessSchillinger Back in my day we had to write our own HTML Table to Highcharts parsers. That’s how these work pewforum.org/religious-landscape…
@JessSchillinger Maybe they’re living in the Philippines
@JessSchillinger Wow! House cleaners are only $30/month? I’ve been missing out.
@JessSchillinger Congrats on figuring out what you want to do
@JessSchillinger Still using tried and true Highcharts. It’s for a client.
@JessSchillinger Oddly enough I’m working on a project all about charting and data and stuff.
@JessSchillinger DO IT!
@beepybop @nekolaweb @MeCookieMonster @AbbyCadabbySST @mpiccorossi @JessSchillinger @JoannaBrenner I find this all so so aPEELing
@JessSchillinger Thanks!
@JessSchillinger My vote of top so the chart is bigger
@nekolaweb @mpiccorossi @JoannaBrenner @JessSchillinger @beepybop And yet Plurk is still around and kicking russellheimlich.com/blog/plurk-b…
@JessSchillinger abookapart.com/products/accessib…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.