@jgarber Can your next one be songs all about Ruby?
@jgarber Maybe the guy just doesn’t like funerals.
@jgarber Done! Thanks Jason. russellheimlich.com/blog/the-fir…
@jgarber @dcsassmeetup @nvite Is it from Instacart? They sponsored and said they would be emailing all of the guests who RSVP’d.
@jgarber .guru has now dethroned .biz as my new favorite joke TLD.
@jgarber It’s super light weight and gets out of your way. And all the tools support code hinting and syntax highlighting out of the box.
@jgarber I’ve been using this super awesome new framework called Vanilla…
@jgarber So that explains all of the indie band and flannel emails…
@jgarber Well I must have a little heart because I used your email address.
@jgarber How am I supposed to quantify the size of my heart?
@jgarber YES!
@jgarber Thought about Crimson Text but side by side with Georgia they look too similar, not worth the added dl bulk.
@jgarber I’m facing this same issue. I’m leaning towards plain Georgia for performance reasons.
@jgarber Oh that sucks. I dunno what to tell you now.
@jgarber You go into Settings (twitter.com/settings/account) all the way at the bottom is Request your archive. You get emailed.
@jgarber Me!
@jgarber Sounds like you got assassinated in fees!
@jgarber Is that a Foursqaure badge? I don’t have that one…
@jgarber that seems pretty favorably for Wall st.
@jgarber Tempting.