@jgarber Nothing like some good old low brow humor at a high brow venue.
@jgarber Two.
@jgarber Yea I can see that.
@jgarber That’s cool what does it do?
@AdeyLady123 Nice! Say hi to @jgarber for me.
@jgarber Nice!!!
@jgarber 100% of the @pewresearch development team thanks you for sharing that link.
@jgarber Neat. But can it run Doom?
@jgarber Hardly use it anymore, right?
@jgarber @jcarbaugh Pie Sisters just opened in Georgetown
@jgarber Welcome aboard. What does an advisor do?
@jgarber You want to advise @VidCapper
@jgarber @jcarbaugh This will be on loop until said hurricane rocks me.
@jgarber Sure!
@jgarber Have you ever been told object oriented stuff is like making a dog and a property of dog is it has 4 legs? FUCK THAT METAPHOR
@jgarber “bus” is not something you want to see.
@jgarber How about Transcript Markdown is.gd/zrMX4g
@jgarber Sorry to hear that.
@jgarber I bet. I got a zillion emails about it going to happen and I only use it for vanity email addresses.