@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh @nekolaweb So many people thought I was a DJ that night…
@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh @nekolaweb So many people thought I was a DJ that night…
@beepybop @nekolaweb @MeCookieMonster @AbbyCadabbySST @mpiccorossi @JessSchillinger @JoannaBrenner I find this all so so aPEELing
@nekolaweb @mpiccorossi @JoannaBrenner @JessSchillinger @beepybop And yet Plurk is still around and kicking russellheimlich.com/blog/plurk-b…
@JoannaBrenner Ha I read this as “rape is worse than calendars.js”
@JoannaBrenner I took the corporate branding off. But she loves it. Funny to think she was just as big as the horse zadieheimlich.com/instagram/litt…
@JoannaBrenner It took several years but look who loves their stuffed horsey…
@JoannaBrenner Are you sure he wasn’t talking to Gouda?
@JoannaBrenner @NYCTSubway Why didn’t you have your shoes?
@JoannaBrenner @hannahsbirch jeez is it some cat lady’s birthday or something?
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb DJ Christmas
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner hunting The elusive Denver The Last Dinosaur…
@daniellealberti @joannabrenner Welcome to the freak of nature club!
@joannabrenner I don’t have a period. Does that make me not natural?
@joannabrenner zadieheimlich.com and veraheimlich.com don’t.
@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh I see. Emoji are hard
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner o. I thought it was a meditation class.
@JoannaBrenner what does that emoji mean?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.