@LangilleDoes @johnpbloch @rob_neu I can see the resemblance to scruffy @nacin
@LangilleDoes @johnpbloch @rob_neu I can see the resemblance to scruffy @nacin
@anthonydpaul @johnpbloch Busted pipe flooding the basement for me.
@johnpbloch @tlovett12 ah I see $r[‘no_found_rows’] = true;
@tlovett12 @johnpbloch Curious what the differences between WP_Query and get_posts() are? You can pass other WP_Query args to get_posts()
@johnpbloch Farewell!
@johnpbloch I like it! I’m gonna run that.
@johnpbloch When will PHP get auto update?
@johnpbloch WP_Async_Task?
@johnpbloch Do you have a real life example to look over?
@johnpbloch But what about your food hole? THINK OF YOUR FOOD HOLE!
@johnpbloch I would be pretty miserable with constant mouth pain.
@johnpbloch Either way congrats on the change of scenery from where you’ll be prodding at a keyboard from. DC will miss you.
@johnpbloch Dallas, Mexico what’s the difference?
@johnpbloch Congrats on the expanded mental capacity after you forget about all that snow and cold stuff.
@johnpbloch Don’t pull a bugs bunny. Make sure you take that left at Albuquerque.
@johnpbloch So you’re like old man tailgating.
@johnpbloch You travel all the way into the city to work in a coffee shop?
@johnpbloch correct
@johnpbloch I’d take that anyday over cobbling together a bunch of bloated plugins and trying to make everything play nicely together.
@johnpbloch More like Joseph Februarystine Bloch amirite? Congrats!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.