@kylecotter Mix and match wireless versions is never fun.
@kylecotter Mix and match wireless versions is never fun.
@kylecotter Set your router to G only.
@kylecotter Is one G and the other N?
@KyleCotter JavaScript, cookies, Google Analytic events.
@danphilibin @kylecotter I got these same headphones for my wife for Christmas and she seems to like them. They stay in her ears.
@KyleCotter Welcome to the wonderful world of facial hair.
@kylecotter Yea the markup is pretty gross.
@kylecotter I would prefer to roll my own. Went with AddThis and it’s getting in the way for some things we want to do.
@KyleCotter This is right up your ally github.com/alistapart/AListApart See alistapart.com/article/a-list-to…
@kylecotter why would you do that to yourself!?!?
@kylecotter I don’t think so, Tim. youtu.be/C0GCf7T0agM?t=47s
@KyleCotter Playacar Palace, Play del Carmen, Cancun, MX
@KyleCotter Save me a seat. i’ll be there on Thursday.
@KyleCotter Correct!
@KyleCotter I think expecting a kid would be even more of a roller coaster.
@KyleCotter Principles is doubling your hourly rate.
@KyleCotter Principles.
@KyleCotter We were waaaaaay before the lazers and the cats and the Internet… and YOU! (and me…)
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.