@linesandwaves 👋
@linesandwaves Awesome! Best of luck in whatever is next.
@linesandwaves Congrats on manning up and popping the question.
@linesandwaves Was the question “Can you recite the pledge of allegiance?”
@katielancos @epgoodwin @linesandwaves I am proud of my flaming chocolate sword accomplishment though.
@katielancos @epgoodwin @linesandwaves I gave up after the Castle. I can’t beat it. Meh.
@epgoodwin @linesandwaves @katielancos EAT CANDIES!
@linesandwaves @katielancos omg no.
@linesandwaves @katielancos what else happens?
@linesandwaves did you get the swords?
@linesandwaves Will do. There’s a couple others from DC going.
@linesandwaves I’ll be there.
@linesandwaves This thread has a jsfiddle for performance is.gd/S4MgnM
@linesandwaves Can’t loop through the object with a for in loop and break when you found it?