@magicroundabout I toyed with the idea of doing this on the web
@magicroundabout I toyed with the idea of doing this on the web
@magicroundabout I always go with wordpress.org/plugins/syntax-hig… which uses Highlight.js server side and doesn’t require a monthly payment plan
@magicroundabout Enter enter?
@magicroundabout Yes. Look on the east coast and you’ll get all kinds of crazy temps.
@magicroundabout I lost for the first time
@magicroundabout Aren’t we all just a funky_javascript_fix() most days?
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned So WP-CLI would need your plain text password inorder to get the SHA-1 hash to accurately compare it against the pwned password API. Just taking it out of the database (and WordPress has no idea what your plain text password is) is useless since the hash will be different
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned I don’t see how this could work since the @haveibeenpwned API stores SHA-1 hashes of plain text passwords but WordPress stores a hashed version of salted passwords. And the salt is different (usually) for every single WordPress site. See api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1…
@magicroundabout At work we do…
Prod: example.com
Staging: example-staging.com
Local: example.local
Mainly it’s because we have an app at app.example.com and we need a way to test any subdomain issues with it (like cookies and auth and stuff like that)
@magicroundabout I’m pretty sure I was using rechargeable batteries but I remember using this during a commute and it only lasted one way
@magicroundabout 10GB of MP3s and only 47 minutes of battery life
@magicroundabout @TurboAdmn Option 2 of making multiple API calls doesn’t sound that bad
@magicroundabout @twigpress @royboy789 @magicroundabout I’m with you. If the RegEx you stumble on is documented well enough then it’s not that scary.
@charitychap @magicroundabout @MikeNGarrett for sure
@magicroundabout I feel like it didn’t live up to the hype because it was supposed to revolutionize media but they kept going through CEOs and could never gain mass adoption. wired.com/2017/01/the-inside-sto…
@magicroundabout I remember it was the only way to share large files in the early 2000’s. It enabled early podcasters and media creators until bandwidth became cheap enough to serve a larger audience.
@magicroundabout BitTorrent
@magicroundabout I wish I tweeted more about what I’m working on. You be you it’s great.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.