@magicroundabout Hello 👋
@magicroundabout Hello 👋
@magicroundabout Maybe this might help stackoverflow.com/questions/4185…
@magicroundabout Can you check the headers of the response? Look for the link header and then check if wp-json is within that header value.
@magicroundabout Yea it’s a bummer. Good thing there is the script_loader_tag filter philkurth.com.au/tips/how-to-set…
@magicroundabout What streaming services do you subscribe to?
@magicroundabout I find the block editor pretty amazing. I use it mostly with a handful of custom blocks I developed.
@magicroundabout @sourcetree @github To utilize your private key authentication you’ll want to use ssh://
@magicroundabout Copy your old key to your .ssh/ directory. You’ll probably need to change the permissions so only you can read it: chmod 400 <path to your private key>
You can test if things work by doing ssh -T [email protected]
It should respond with your GitHub username.
@magicroundabout I think ‘rm -rf’ has some safety feature built in now to prevent accidental deleting of your entire system.
I mean there is always PHP’s exec to run any command on the shell: php.net/manual/en/function.exec.…
@magicroundabout I rolled my own solution to lazy load YouTube videos. Same concept. Found on mobile Safari you need to click twice as they restrict autoplaying video.
@magicroundabout I would install the Query Monitor plugin which has a redirection feature…
“Whenever a redirect occurs, Query Monitor adds an HTTP header containing the call stack, so you can use your favourite HTTP inspector or browser developer tools to trace what triggered the redirect.”
@magicroundabout I have this hub amzn.to/3lGMVtg for a 2017 MacBook Pro. It charges the laptop via USB-C. According to their product site “Power is shared between all dock-connected USB-C devices and adjusted based on needs.”
@magicroundabout That is a nice feeling. Works at the agency level too.
@magicroundabout This is such a neat idea. This is a big chunk of what I use Sequel Pro/Ace for.
A way to view unserialized data maybe in a modal or something like that would also be useful.
@magicroundabout BuddyPress is even weirder.
@magicroundabout I love Tom and Jerry cartoons. I’ve been rewatching old Jetsons shows from 1962. My favorite part is how they program robots with “tapes” and while they have flying cars and sky apartments they still use records and record players.
@magicroundabout @digitalocean @Vultr @linode @Hetzner_Online Here is @DreamHost’s details about sustainability dreamhost.com/company/we-are-gre…
Kinda weak. But they offer good priced VPS dreamhost.com/cloud/computing/
@magicroundabout If the random number was generated server side would you even question it?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.