@marcelmoreau Basil Marceaux’s site is killer! politics.freesitenow.com/basilma…
Boo! RT @marcelmoreau @kingkool68 shit. we didn’t win ipads 🙁
I like RT @marcelmoreau haha RT @ryancduff Gotta check out my new vanity plate… twitpic.com/1eld4r
@marcelmoreau But DreamHost has a bunch of employees. It can’t be that hard.
@marcelmoreau Agreed!
@marcelmoreau Sometimes inspiration just doesn’t hit you and you have to get something out there
@marcelmoreau I’m assuming that means multiple tweets with dreamhost in them will only count as one entry.
@marcelmoreau Glad my dreamhost tweets aren’t a complete nuissance.
@marcelmoreau Thanks. More improvements on the way.
I agree! RT @marcelmoreau iPad looks like it would be a bitch to hold and interact with
@marcelmoreau True, the Nexus One isn’t out yet but it is def. real according to all the reviews that are popping up these last few days.
@marcelmoreau That doesn’t sound very fancy.
@marcelmoreau You mean like the crap full of messages flying by so you can never focus on anything?
@marcelmoreau It’s a game.
@marcelmoreau Pretty much they are the same thing
@marcelmoreau That doesn’t seem green to me
@marcelmoreau Try holding shift and pressing refresh?
@marcelmoreau Nope, some sortable data tables, all by hand.
@marcelmoreau We got russellandkristina.com & kristinaandrussell.com shortly after we were engaged. Have a blog running now. Wedding site tk
@marcelmoreau pipe