@MattBowen Feeple, #ux

@MattBowen How about ‘Cool Story Bro’ t-shirts.

@brownpau Where’s your office now? I assume @mattbowen is in your old one.

@MattBowen When’s you’re first day?

@MattBowen AWESOME!!!

@MattBowen I always use ~this~ to denote sarcasam

Wrong. It’s for legacy code wrangling. RT @rossk No, it’s for email .RT @MattBowen: Today is for web analytics.

@MattBowen What do you cool DC kids get to vote on today?

@MattBowen Thank ya thank ya.

@mattbowen D5100 seems nearly identical to the D7000 now is.gd/jkO9QP

@farrelley @MattBowen DC Photo walk some time

@MattBowen I did 6 reps at 125 pounds on the chest press machine. We don’t have a bench press.

@MattBowen Well what I meant is they’re both dynamic and everything is essentially an object.

@MattBowen Chefs make tastier food than puppets.

@MattBowen Etherpad saves every keystroke, but it’s an online app is.gd/nWzirq

@MattBowen saw your timely tweet

@MattBowen bog with a HEXml feed because you are cursed to forever doing manual labor.

@MattBowen did you signup to emusic when it was all you can download for one monthly price? Circa 2006

@MattBowen I did it myself. It’s not hard.