@MikeNGarrett Buy a new fan
@MikeNGarrett Buy a new fan
@MikeNGarrett Indeed! I do venture out from time to time.
@MikeNGarrett It’s pronounced “Yo” like Yoooooooooooooooooo i’m out of here.
@MikeNGarrett That’s pretty much WordPress in a nutshell.
@MikeNGarrett We use a cron to trigger WP CLI to do it.
@mikengarrett What is enter your zip code?
@mikengarrett I really want to know to.
@mikengarrett uh huh…
@mikengarrett It’s Facebook! It’s new! Get with the times.
@mikengarrett This keynote seems very much like an Apple keynote. So bland.
@mikengarrett I do my best thinking late at night. I can no longer go to bed before 2am now. Probably should fix that.
@mikengarrett the guy in plaid looks like you
@mikengarrett I feel like only people brave enough to tackle Java are brave enough to build a search engine.
@mikengarrett I feel like Solr is harder to set-up. Not a lot of experience though. Really like Elasticsearch
@mikengarrett Now you tell me! AWS offers ElasticSearch on demand for like $30/month
@mikengarrett Ah thanks. I need to update my slides.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.