@mixolydian Yes if you know exactly what you want it works well. You can play it on the Google home speaker or the Chromecast. Most of the time it asks you.
@mixolydian Yes if you know exactly what you want it works well. You can play it on the Google home speaker or the Chromecast. Most of the time it asks you.
@mixolydian @jfc3 @LevelAccessA11y Oh yea they should sponsor @wordcampdc Who else would be a good sponsor?
@mixolydian Have you purchased your ticket for WordCamp DC yet? 2017.dc.wordcamp.org/
@mixolydian You’re welcome.
@mixolydian @pauljadam But this chart is built from tabular data so you can access the tabular data and have that read to you instead. Is that helpful?
@mixolydian @pauljadam You don’t wanna know how the chart was created? What’s wrong with you 🙂
@jfc3 @mreumann @mixolydian @pauljadam Get one of those crappy Chinese versions for $150…
@mixolydian That’s running on HTTPdead
@mixolydian What fun is that?
@mixolydian yeaaaaaa
@mixolydian Yes, that’s true you could do that.
@mixolydian OMG there’s is no online anymore.
@mixolydian I’m a special snowflake apparently.
@mixolydian Well neither can I apparently. So we’re sharing the same experience.
@mixolydian Well there are plenty of old episodes to watch. How much does this stuff really change?
@mixolydian Pssshhh reel to reel tape for the ultimate acoustic reproduction.
@mixolydian alt =”Picture of a sad looking taco with the text I don’t wanna taco bout it”
@mixolydian @zekeweeks Here ya go reddit.com/r/Android/comments/2r…
@mixolydian Nice! AIM is coming back.
@mixolydian Yea how does listening to a music site using a screen reader work?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.