@MouseyMik is.gd/pgVvl3 You mean the Samsung Galaxy Prime?
@MouseyMik I just saw you! lol. What an awesome way to celebrate your birthday sitting behind @BarackObama! Happy birthday!
@MouseyMik Totally saw that!
@MouseyMik Ditto. We shall call this Mik’s Law of Diminishing Netflix Returns
@drotoriouz @mouseymik Who came up with the concept of the universe? They must’ve been way ahead of their time.
@MouseyMik Everyone needs a monacle
@MouseyMik Yea, why didn’t you?
@MouseyMik If you have any family member in the military, check out usaa.com They have pretty good rates.
@MouseyMik How many shares did you buy and at what price?
@MouseyMik Oh wow, so the price went up a bit since it first opened.
@MouseyMik Sweet! Just in time for the wedding.
@msinkiat @mouseymik I bid $11
@MouseyMik Nice. I downloaded that app but haven’t used it yet.
@Snorels @MouseyMik Welcome to Android 2.1
@MouseyMik Offer to blow your nose in his hands!
@MouseyMik Lol