@mr_suh I dunno…
@joannabrenner @mr_suh is a genius before his time.
@JessSchillinger @JoannaBrenner @maeveyd @nekolaweb @mr_suh @DanielleAlberti how’s the prairie?
@DanielleAlberti @mr_suh this one is definitely a pog.
@mr_suh That’s the last log left on the face of the earth.
@mr_suh Counter point wired.com/2014/12/evidence-of-no…
@mr_suh more like fact vs. Fantasy
@mr_suh A group of pale techies amongst a sea of bearded muscles…
@mr_suh for the nursery
@mr_suh how do you even get out of bed in the morning?!?!
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner they would match your tights.
@mr_suh The report is being checked #scarystoriesin5
@mr_suh Why are you at a hospital?
@mr_suh He’s the bottom, right?
@mr_suh Started at the bottom now you’re here.
@mr_suh Thanks Obama.
@mr_suh I should be in. Adam probably wont .