@mr_suh I like these better than the hipster frames.
@mr_suh A trumpet.
@nekolaweb @mr_suh Watch/listen: 1) twit.tv/show/triangulation/107 2) youtube.com/watch?v=8QyVZrV3d3o
@mr_suh @joannabrenner and some wear yellow mesh tank tops ecochainofdating.com/blog/wp-con…
@mr_suh some people are so smart.
@mr_suh I drink them too fast. They won’t make the commute.
@mr_suh not milkshakes, healthy protein fruity shakes.
@mr_suh Not if your Asian because you can easily play it off as someone else.
@mr_suh But not updating causes other problems. Bug fixes aren’t applied, security holes still unpatched. Chrome does it auto-updating right
@mr_suh Yea you’re kind of screwed in that regard. A sensible thing would be to have manual controls to prevent apps from auto updating.
@mr_suh I do.
@mr_suh Already is. Vine away.
@mr_suh Are you going to get raging drunk and tweet a bunch of inappropriate things?
@mr_suh Well Happy Sure-You-Might-Be-Older-But-You-Look-The-Same-Anyways Day.
@mr_suh Dude, you’re asian. You could be between 18-75.
@mr_suh Are you 22?
@mr_suh After this it’s mowing the lawn. GASP!
@mr_suh xbox change channel.
@mr_suh IS AWESOME!