@mr_suh need a ride home?
@mr_suh need a ride home?
@mr_suh still waiting for a bus?
@mr_suh lol.
@mr_suh I have no pitty for people with BlackBerry phones.
@mr_suh To gain pity from all of your friends.
@mr_suh Get the WordPress logo!
@mr_suh This should do the trick (wiggle your mouse) staggeringbeauty.com/
@mr_suh How’s the Metro this morning?
@mr_suh More? replygif.net/1038
@mr_suh Not even this big? replygif.net/971
@mr_suh Oh so that’s good. Prop8 is bad. Got it.
@mr_suh What does that mean?
@mr_suh Did you go on a shopping spree at the dollar store?
@mr_suh Automate your finances as much as possible and read this book amazon.com/gp/product/0767923820…
@mr_suh Do your own taxes. Don’t worry about rebalancing your portfolio every year. That’s how brokerages make money.
@mr_suh Open a Roth IRA and max out the contributions ($5,500) for 2013
@mr_suh Buy index funds, use credit cards for everything for the rewards but pay your balance every month
@mr_suh Don’t spend more than you make.
@mr_suh This is a recurring theme of yours.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.