@mr_suh 505060
@mr_suh @awesomecon CATCH THEM! CATCH THEM ALL!
@mr_suh Zadie slept over at my parents. We went out after she was already asleep
@mr_suh Threadless is releasing gay radio shirts blog.threadless.com/what-does-pr…
@mr_suh Your co-workers must be confused.
@mr_suh It will be on WordPress.tv later.
@mr_suh @awesomecon Not so awesome now, is it?
@nekolaweb @mr_suh Black tie means a black tie and a tuxedo t-shirt… right?
@mr_suh For today and tomorrow.
@mr_suh @billy_penn cozy
@mr_suh I’m a pants guy
@mr_suh its jorts weather
@mr_suh yup.
@mr_suh I posted first
@joannabrenner @mr_suh Yea, you’re already used to people blocking you…
@mr_suh Whenever I post to Instagram the photo will display in the tweet so you don’t have to click a link to see it.
@mr_suh @joannabrenner 40404