@mrjbrown Oh man how could you miss it? It was amazing. There’s another DC one coming next year in 2011. PLAN NOW!
@mrjbrown Congrats on your new lobster child.
@mrjbrown “enjoying our daughter at home” makes you sound like cannibals.
@mrjbrown We have an #EkTron site here at the Pew Research Center. Not a fun CMS to work with. We also have WordPress
@mrjbrown Did you set a specific font size. IE doesn’t like it when you don’t explicitly set a font-size on something.
@mrjbrown Tip for preventing driveby spam: Use an input field w/ display:none then on backend make sure it is empty. If isn’t, it’s a bot.
@mrjbrown WordPress
@mrjbrown document.write(‘Good luck!’);
@mrjbrown It depends on the timeline and any future update plans. If no updates and a quick turnaround, tough it out.
@mrjbrown Congrats on your new baby. I hear they make some awesome accessories for them.
RT @refreshdc on Thursday night @mrjbrown will be talking web education, progress & roadblocks. CDIA, 7p. bit.ly/4FO9PL