@ifyouwillit Can you add @nclud to your WordPress agencies for hire list? ifyouwillit.com/wordpress-agenci…

@JustinMcMurdie @nclud Whoops, yea you’re right. Fixed now. It’s MIT. Have at it.

@JustinMcMurdie @nclud There you go github.com/nclud/star-wars-imper…

Looks like @nclud is still killin’ it! twitter.com/SidebarIO/status/112…

Pretty awesome teammates at @nclud to buy me lunch and ice cream for my birthday

@round @nclud I’m reading your 18K Slack messages right now…

@anthonydpaul @nclud ndeed

First day at @nclud

@jensimmons I hear @nclud is such a fan they named their company after it

@AlfonsoBravo @round @nclud Look no further. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/90…

@kerrygunther @nclud @duqe You guys beat our grocery store pies.

@nclud Is “collaborative environment” a positive spin on “we don’t have enough desks for everyone”?

Learning about chuckin’ apples from the web. (at @nclud for #RefreshDC w/ @whitmoyer) [pic]: 4sq.com/19Wj4po

Woah nice job @nclud, just saw this for tonight’s HH! nclud.com/event/aparty2012/ #aeadc

Congrats to @martymadrid and @nclud going to @twitter He probably looks like this right now. twitpic.com/9ssgb4