@nekolaweb Definitely don’t trust this one adamnekola.com
@nekolaweb Definitely don’t trust this one adamnekola.com
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb DJ Christmas
@nekolaweb 1) Download 2) follow the steps
@mr_suh @nekolaweb I will be there!
@nekolaweb There is a plugin for that.
@nekolaweb I did they too
@mr_suh @joannabrenner @nekolaweb That was back from my DJing days.
@nekolaweb Hey I know one of them.
@nekolaweb @markmywords35 That’s nice of you to include the 3rd parties.
@nekolaweb Oh man, you were catfished!
@nekolaweb Well that’s just rosy. I wonder what they’re proof is.
@nekolaweb via farecompare.com/travel-advice/fl…
@nekolaweb Yay, you got WordPress into your organization!
@nekolaweb @mr_suh Black tie means a black tie and a tuxedo t-shirt… right?
@nekolaweb @theblacktux Nice! I’ve got a black tie wedding coming up in August and need to rent a tux.
@DanielleAlberti @nekolaweb the original photo
@nekolaweb @mobiletrevor Way to go!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.