@netvibes Oh nevermind I see it. Why does it have to be so small? Balls. This sucks.
@netvibes And that would be where?
@netvibes In the new reader is there a way to read the website view like before? Helpful for feeds that only publish excerpts.
@netvibes I simply love the improvements you guys have made. Awesome work. I’m glad you’re still the best feed reader out there!
Good question, @netvibes ? RT @blanksky wonder how they get rid of the browser chrome without having it saved to homescreen?
@netvibes No change. Techcrunch still shows up every couple of minutes with 400 unread items even after marking all as read.
@netvibes No difference. Here’s a screencast of what I’m seeing. kingkool68.com/netvibes.mov
@netvibes Indeed ith as! Thanks Netvibes!
@netvibes Techcrunch.com feed is constantly being set to unread. 495 items show up.
@netvibes Having lots of problems with Wasabi release. Widget view feeds don’t update. Smart reader can’t switch to different groups.
@netvibes Tried FF3.5, Chrome, Safari all the same result using 10.5.8