@NguyetV @jaredcunha @starsoup7 @dallendoug Need to split cost of room. Have Rav-4 which can seat 4 others and will have tethered internet.
@starsoup7 @nguyetv @convergese @jaredcunha Got mine too.
@NguyetV For the longest time I thought the saying was “No pain, no game” which always seemed like a weird saying.
@NguyetV @danielbachhuber wasn’t responding to you, It was just a funny juxtaposition.
@NguyetV LOL cl.ly/3U2d2I3H2e2r112X1V1J //cc @danielbachhuber
@NguyetV What died? Hard drive? or something else?
@NguyetV Glad to hear “Exit Through the Gift Shop” is a good flick. Its in my Instant queue on Netflix.