@jecfish @paul_irish Have you considered just directly connecting a video call to Paul whenever someone opened the Performance tab?
Me watching @paul_irish using flame graphs to debug a JavaScript performance issue: Oh yeah, duh. So easy.
Me trying to debug my own site looking at the flame graphs: What the…
This new Performance insights panel looks much easier to understand and use. twitter.com/jecfish/status/15098…
@paul_irish Because var x = 4; returns undefined
@charliepark @paul_irish In Dev tools, click the gear and check “Show user agent shadow DOM” Doesn’t seem to work in Chrome Canary for me.
@desandro @paul_irish You should see what I’ve built for Pew Research archive pages. Not live yet.
Accessibility is important. So, let’s scare the speakers away! $375 fee to present. cc @paul_irish csun.edu/cod/conference/2013/ope… via @aaronjorbin
@paul_irish Done and done!
@paul_irish Side by side screen grab with notes. cl.ly/162e1g3O330w363d291P
@paul_irish I just dig the visuals of the CSS inspector. The cancel symbol on the left is large and easy to click.
@paul_irish I used it on is.gd/tSAdnl
@paul_irish Easier one is.gd/VXQVE6
@paul_irish I would add is.gd/W84FAR to that list.
@paul_irish re: Accessibility I’ve given an accessibility talk geared towards developers. Slides are here for the taking is.gd/0iErAj
Yea what he said RT @paul_irish @desandro too bad they disqualify chrome with a UA sniff despite stable chrome supporting 3D.
lexadecimal.com hexadecimal color codes with meaning h/t @paul_irish
@desandro @lauradhahn @brownpau @paul_irish Don’t forget is.gd/Q4vkQg and is.gd/emQQ3L