@pauljadam If you have a word for word transcript without time codes you can upload it as a caption track and YouTube will sync it up.
@pauljadam If you have a word for word transcript without time codes you can upload it as a caption track and YouTube will sync it up.
@pauljadam That it is. Sorry I dropped the ball on @VidCapper I just logged into it last night and it’s completely broken.
@pauljadam That’s an advantage of using a table to separate the line numbers and code, you can copy all of the code line-number free.
@pauljadam It’s a WordPress plugin and there is the option to not serve line numbers. I like how it doesn’t flash the color syntax onload
@Jennison @jfc3 @Nethermind @pauljadam @karlgroves How #a11y friendly is this code color syntax sample? is.gd/z9wsHe
@pauljadam I always liked this quote about ems russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip…
@pauljadam jQuery(‘[tabindex]’).removeAttr( ‘tabindex’ );
@pauljadam huzzah!
@pauljadam Might be a potluck. Seems more fun than trying to charge money.
@pauljadam Talk a little bit, answer questions, talk a little bit more. Repeat!
@pauljadam who can keep up by reading programming books? Just dive right in…
@pauljadam I found the best way to convert them is uploading PDF versions.
@pauljadam Got another one for ya is.gd/0iErAj
@pauljadam Yea I use @usaa They’re awesome. Also based in Texas.
@pauljadam YES! Also feel free to test the accessibility of is.gd/MdRIqq or is.gd/17lh2y
@pauljadam Had a New York friend who went to Chipotle in DC and was shocked at how much cheaper it is down here. I have no idea
@pauljadam Welcome to the land of the expensive crap. Atleast it’s not New York.
If you are a #design #ui #ux #ia pro, worthwhile reading: Web #Accessibility for Designers zite.to/ppa2Ga HT @pauljadam
@pauljadam @jfc3 @accessibilitydc @jennison Oooo I hear that is a good one.
@Jennison @pauljadam Congrats on the job. I work at the Pew Research Center building interesting things. Hope to see you at some dc meetups.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.