@farrelley We just got that enabled on some @pewresearch sites.
@farrelley We just got that enabled on some @pewresearch sites.
@photomatt A bunch of @pewresearch sites run on WordPress people-press.org, pewhispanic.org, pewsocialtrends.org
Excited to announce I accepted a web position with @pewresearch and will be moving to Washington, DC in August. It’s been real, #Chicago.
Spectacular visualization by @pewresearch of the rising Asian American population in the US ds.io/LCWK9d Made w/ #TileMill + MapBox
Web Developers — we’re looking for smart people with WordPress, Javascript, PHP and MySQL chops @pewresearch pewrsr.ch/KN9b2I
@jgarber 100% of the @pewresearch development team thanks you for sharing that link.
Number of people getting campaign news from local TV and network news continues steep decline ow.ly/8VxjA via @pewresearch
*Very* cool job alert: @PewResearch Center is looking for a Senior Web Editor. bit.ly/xjOcMQ
@Vocalyze I thought about having audio versions of articles available on @PewResearch sites but we have bigger issues to solve.
Barely Half of U.S. Adults Are Married – A Record Low bit.ly/rr17s4 via @pewresearch #marriage #divorce
@nidhiktuli Nope. Though we use an adaptive design here @pewresearch We can configure different images to be sent to the mobile view
I correctly answered 13 out of the 13 possible questions, on the Pew News IQ Quiz! pewrsr.ch/9U8jNF via @pewresearch I R Smarty pants!
@KarlaTR How we built a taxonomy and integrated with WordPress here @PewResearch is.gd/zI5Ghc
40% of tablet news consumers use mainly the browser. Just 22% use apps. bit.ly/t5llzg New study from @pewresearch
Graphic: Who Are Muslim Americans? people-press.org/2011/08/30/musl… via @pewresearch
What’s your Political Typology Quiz from @pewresearch ping.fm/mC0gx Let me know if anything looks weird anywhere…
Upgraded the @pewresearch WordPress sites to 3.1. Took a couple of clicks to get it on to both servers but otherwise flawless.
RT @mpiccorossi Great Infographics job opening @pewresearch (data visualization, UX, UI, Mapping, Flash, etc.) is.gd/Zrlc85
#interactive shows world muslim population growth rate + projections through 2030 bit.ly/fyiRne @pewresearch @pewforum #dataviz
See @pewresearch’s taxonomy in use on their WordPress powered site is.gd/hePVp #taxbc10
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.