@photomatt Did you get to use wp_list_pluck()?
@photomatt Did you get to use wp_list_pluck()?
Next @WordCampUS August 21-25th 2023. National Harbor Maryland.
Longer WordCamp because It will begin with a community summit first.
@raphaelschaad @NotionHQ @linuz90 @Dropbox @dr @Ghost @kayvz Here is the Trac ticket from @photomatt when it was added to WordPress in 2015
@aaronjorbin A picture of @photomatt since you make Posts for Matt
@photomatt Is @automattic going to let @Cloudup wither and die on the vine?
@dimensionmedia @photomatt Hello Dolly.
@keithdevon @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 We would all be using Drupal.
@daljo628 @photomatt If you’re using Unifi APs and need PoE you’ll need a separate switch regardless of which dream machine you go with.
@daljo628 @photomatt The UDM Pro supports higher throughput with IDS turned on.
Here’s an in depth comparison michaelkummer.com/tech/udm-pro-r…
@enqueue_russ My favorite is when a young lad went to DC for the summer and wanted to update his family on what he was doing so he created a blog that was the beginning of WordPress.
Did I get that right @photomatt ?
@aaronjorbin @photomatt Looks to be @nacin height
“I can’t imagine a time when humanity cannot benefit from an open, free, connected web” – @photomatt
Why is WordPress going with Gutenberg? Watch the user testing section of @photomatt’s 2018 State of the Word address (3:40 in)
#WordPress & @photomatt, we as a community REALLY need to get dashboard notices and alerts under control, this is out of hand. Clients dashboard looks awful and I’ve seen others that look even worse.
@Never5Plugins makes wordpress.org/plugins/wp-notific… but even then it’s not perfect. t.co/Q81DXPW2ZQ
@photomatt Happy birthday. I’m curious. What ever happened to the galleries of photos on your site?
@photomatt used to have amazing curated galleries of photos on his site. “Got all the old photo galleries imported going all the way to 2002.” (ma.tt/2011/01/twenty-seven/) but they appear gone now. I always wanted to do something like that on my site.
If you’re a WordPress developer and don’t get MasterWP.co – then a) why not? And b) @photomatt is guest editing next week. Oh – and @AlexDenning is at #WCUS this weekend and co-hosting a party with @wpshout and @wpmudev
Happy birthday @photomatt and thanks for open sourcing WordPress.
Mention by @photomatt about lack of WP API examples to showcase. Probably because the REST API is unsexy plumbin g. #wcus
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.