$15.79 average price per ticket per day for a WordCamp. @photomatt #wcus
$15.79 average price per ticket per day for a WordCamp. @photomatt #wcus
@mstoli @ryancduff @danielbachhuber @getpantheon @photomatt @danielbachhuber You ship all your booth people in tiny cubes?!?!
@photomatt Happy Birthday
@lelandf @photomatt twinsies
“WordPress is going to reverse the trend of closed APIs.” – @photomatt #WCUS
@wceurope @photomatt pewresearch.org sites are all powered by WordPress for distributing findings.
@nacin Did you play with @photomatt’s OnePlus One?
@photomatt Any chance you have some spare One Plus One invites? I need it for um… testing. Yea, that’s it.
@photomatt Man I’ve been thinking about getting one. It looks so sweet.
“Space is cheap and history is interesting.” – @photomatt on saving all revisions by default in WordPress.
“Now that we’ve raised money we don’t have to charge for anything anymore” – @photomatt
@nacin @photomatt @WordPress do you have any statistics on % of WordPress installs are multi site enabled?
“Our ability to store data has far outstripped our ability to use and analyze data” @photomatt in a chat with me at #structureeurope
@photomatt A bunch of @pewresearch sites run on WordPress people-press.org, pewhispanic.org, pewsocialtrends.org
Want people to find your web content through search? Make well-indexed pages with info not buried in videos or pdfs. @photomatt #nextgengov
Bad ass mod to a.macbook air. “@photomatt: Special WordPress Macbook Air wp.me/p4-Yp”
@aaronjorbin @NationalField Here are the notes I took from @photomatt’s q&a Woops! is.gd/T5ebLR
@aaronjorbin @NationalField Here are the notes I took from @photomatt’s q&a
Thanks for hosting RT @anthonydpaul Great event tonight with @kingkool68 & @photomatt at @WordPressDC. Thanks to all who came! #wpdc
@nacin @photomatt WordPress ideas from DC docs.google.com/document/pub?id=…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.