@photomatt I hope you stick around for @refreshdc on Thursday night!
@photomatt I hope you stick around for @refreshdc on Thursday night!
This month’s @refreshdc is shaping up! Details coming soon…
@farrelley they’ve got @refreshdc cupcakes here.
Proud to have been at the 1st ever gathering RT @refreshdc Refresh DC turns 5 this month! Come out on 3/22 & celebrate is.gd/e3q3EJ
I’ll be teaching, but you should go! RT @Whitmoyer Spread the Word: @RefreshDC is Back! bit.ly/bESXdg
Whatever happened to @RefreshDC? Let’s get it going again. /cc @desandro @mringlein
Anyone going to @uxshowandtell tomorrow feel free to bring up dummyimage.com Give me feedback! I’m going to @refreshdc
January @refreshdc is on for Thursday at CDIA! David DeSandro will talk about color theory and colorblindness. bit.ly/4HLXjm
Will be missing the last @refreshdc meetup of the year. Falls Church is way too far out of my way and the topic is meh.
Any word on food for @refreshdc tonight? Chances are probably nill…
@refreshdc @MattBowen Have heard nothing about food?
I’m going! RT @refreshdc:The topic of next week’s #RefreshDC: Don’t be Afraid of the RIA. You’re the first to know: j.mp/4Abw4
@zeldman Hey that’s in DC. You should hook up with @refreshdc next time you’re in town.
Really interesting discussion @refreshdc about the relationship between art and design. Glad I came.
Waiting for @whafro and @jgarber to post the slides from last nights @refreshdc talk so I can see that great trademarked quote.
Will be @refreshdc tonight to hear about UX Deliverables
@refreshdc tonight. Woo hoo!
RT @refreshdc on Thursday night @mrjbrown will be talking web education, progress & roadblocks. CDIA, 7p. bit.ly/4FO9PL
Headed to @refreshdc to watch @jgarber talk southern and scratch his beard. Walking there, should be fun!
Improptu pre @refreshdc in front of Caribou. @whafro and @jgarber are here.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.